Rockschool | Video Exams
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Video Exams

AMEB Rockschool offers two video exam options:

Performance Certificates (Premiere to Grade 8)

Graded Certificates (Debut to Grade 8)

Video Exam Guide
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Examiner Tips on Creating your video
Performance Certificate

(Premiere to Grade 8)

At all grades you can submit videos for performance certificates.

Candidates will be marked by a Rockschool examiner in exactly the same way that they would be in a face to face exam.

Candidates can choose to play all five pieces from the Rockschool Graded Book repertoire, or choose to record up to three Free Choice Pieces from the following sources:

  • Songs in the public domain, including hits from the charts. For example, a song by their favourite band or artist
  • Pieces from other exam boards
  • Their own composition
  • Vocal pieces from the Wider Repertoire list.

Sheet music must be provided for all Free Choice Pieces. Backing tracks are optional.

Contact your state office to enrol
Graded Certificate

(Debut to Grade 8)

Graded Certificates are now a permanent addition to Rockschool exam offerings.  They are a slightly-adapted version of the face to face Grade Exam – designed for video exams.

Graded Certificates cover grades Debut to 8 and require the candidates to play three pieces (up to two free choice pieces) and ALL of the technical exercises published in the Rockschool Grade books. These should be recorded by the candidate as a continuous take.

Please read the full list of technical work requirements in the pdfs below.

Contact your state office to enrol

Technical Exercises for Graded Certificates (Debut to 8)

KeyboardPianoAcoustic GuitarBassDrumsElectric GuitarVocalsUkulele

Enrolling and submitting your video exam

For details on how to enrol and submit your video please contact your local state office.

Contact State Office
Find out how to book an exam