Rockschool | Electric Guitar
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Electric Guitar

Internationally recognised Guitar Grades for rock and pop guitarists

Rockschool’s Guitar Grades are designed from the ground up to take you from absolute beginner to pro-grade player. As well as earning an internationally recognised qualification, you’ll master music theory, learn sight reading and develop proficient technique by focusing on your favourite music.

Dates & Fees

Electric Guitar grades with a difference.

Plot your Stylistic Specialism

For every Electric Guitar Grade you can plot your stylistic specialism, meaning you'll develop an in-depth understanding of the style of electric guitar you love.

Free Choice Pieces

Play your favourite electric guitar tracks in your exam; metal, indie, rock, prog… the choice is yours!

Theoretical Grounding

Every Rockschool Electric Guitar Grade has been designed to give you a solid understanding of musical theory, enabling you to confidently articulate your musical talents.


Completing a Rockschool Music Grade is a rewarding experience, we’ll get you on your path to success in no-time.
To get started, simply grab your Music book from the shop.




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Start Rockschool Electric Guitar Now!

To start Rockschool Electric Guitar, you’ll need a Rockschool book. Start with the Debut book and work your way up through the Grades or jump in at a level that’s for you!

Shop nowDates & Fees

The Rockschool Electric Guitar Syllabus Guide

The course content for Rockschool Electric Guitar is listed in the syllabus guide, starting at Premiere (Let’s Rock) and going all the way up to Grade 8.

Candidates can use either the 2018 or 2024 Guitar books to prepare for their exams.

Electric Guitar Syllabus (1.1MB, pdf)

For information on completing a Guitar Diploma, please go to the Professional Qualifications page.

Guitar Diploma Information

Book an Exam

To book an exam, please contact your local AMEB state office.

Contact State Office